30 research outputs found

    Drawing Elena Ferrante's Profile. Workshop Proceedings, Padova, 7 September 2017

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    Elena Ferrante is an internationally acclaimed Italian novelist whose real identity has been kept secret by E/O publishing house for more than 25 years. Owing to her popularity, major Italian and foreign newspapers have long tried to discover her real identity. However, only a few attempts have been made to foster a scientific debate on her work. In 2016, Arjuna Tuzzi and Michele Cortelazzo led an Italian research team that conducted a preliminary study and collected a well-founded, large corpus of Italian novels comprising 150 works published in the last 30 years by 40 different authors. Moreover, they shared their data with a select group of international experts on authorship attribution, profiling, and analysis of textual data: Maciej Eder and Jan Rybicki (Poland), Patrick Juola (United States), Vittorio Loreto and his research team, Margherita Lalli and Francesca Tria (Italy), George Mikros (Greece), Pierre Ratinaud (France), and Jacques Savoy (Switzerland). The chapters of this volume report the results of this endeavour that were first presented during the international workshop Drawing Elena Ferrante's Profile in Padua on 7 September 2017 as part of the 3rd IQLA-GIAT Summer School in Quantitative Analysis of Textual Data. The fascinating research findings suggest that Elena Ferrante\u2019s work definitely deserves \u201cmany hands\u201d as well as an extensive effort to understand her distinct writing style and the reasons for her worldwide success

    Sulle tracce di Elena Ferrante: questioni di metodo e primi risultati

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    This chapter illustrates the implementation of quantitative analysis methods on a corpus of modern Italian novels aimed to shed light on the identity of Elena Ferrante, the pen name of a very successful novelist whose real identity is still unknown. After a review of previous attempts conducted according to different approaches (based on lexical, contextual and thematic factors), in order to offset the impact of diatopic varieties of Italian the seven novels written by Elena Ferrante have been compared to 39 novels written by ten authors from Campania (Ferrante\u2019s region of origin) according to two methods: correspondence analysis and intertextual distance. Both methods show that Elena Ferrante\u2019s novels are more similar to Domenico Starnone\u2019s works than to the novels of any other author included in the corpus. In addition, a lexical analysis shows that, compared to the other authors, Ferrante and Starnone share the greatest number of lexical items used exclusively in their novels. Conclusively, the qualitative and quantitative approaches used in this study confirm that a similarity emerges between the novels published by Ferrante and Starnone after the early 1990s and paves the way to further research based on larger corpora of fiction as well as non-fictional texts


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    Tra i fenomeni che vengono attribuiti alla recente evoluzione dell'italiano (e che vengono stigmatizzati dalle grammatiche normative) vi è l'uso generalizzato dell'ausiliare avere nei tempi composti dei verbi modali, anche quando il verbo modale regge un verbo all'infinito che nei tempi composti richiede l'ausiliare essere. Studi recenti hanno già mostrato che, nell'uso, l'impiego di avere è prevalente rispetto all'uso di essere e che si tratta di un fenomeno che percorre tutta la storia dell'italiano. Queste conclusioni sono state confermate e rafforzate dall'analisi di un corpus formato da 116 romanzi italiani pubblicati a partire dal secondo dopoguerra

    DELI - Dizionario etimologico della lingua italiana di Manlio Cortelazzo e Paolo Zolli. Edizione minore

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    Versione ridotta, nel commento ma non nel lemmario, della seconda edizione del DELI

    La lessicografia veneta di Gianfranco Folena

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    Ricostruzione delle proposte e delle realizzazioni di Gianfranco Folena nell'ambito della lessicografia storica veneta. Viene sottolineatao il carattere innovativo delle imprese avviate da Folena e i presupposti teorici che le animano

    Il magistero di Gianfranco Folena

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    Sulla base dei ricordi personali e dei ricordi pubblicati da altri scolari, si cerca di ricostruire lo spirito delle lezioni di Gianfranco Folena e i loro tratti innovativi. I temi affrontati sono: lo stile di conduzione delle lezioni, l’innovazione costituita dai seminari, la direzione delle tesi